Airport Development Group (NT Airports)

Darwin International Airport, Alice Springs Airport, and Tennant Creek Airport are operated by Airport Development Group (ADG) under a 50-year lease obtained from the Australian Federal Government in 1998, with an option of a further 49-year lease extension.

ADG owns and operates these airports, as well as a significant investment portfolio across hotels, property and utilities.
Darwin Airport 2.jpg
Sector Transportation
Asset type Airports
Major asset locations Australia
Initial IFM Investment 2001년 6월
Head office location Darwin, Australia
Ownership stake* 77.4%

* *As at 30 Sep 2024

Asset priorities

ADG aims to enhance the lives of Australians through the provision of infrastructure in Northern Australia and is seeking to continue to invest in major infrastructure projects across the NT, Kimberley region of Western Australia and the Carpentaria region of Queensland.

ADG has several programs, including ADG’s Indigenous Training Academy established in 2022, to support and enable education and employment opportunities for Indigenous Australians. ADG also has a demonstrable record in environmental management to protect and support ecosystems, reducing carbon emissions, restoring diversity of wildlife, and building and maintaining community and cultural links.

ADG has historically experienced strong growth in passenger numbers, driven by tourism, the strength of the defence and mining sectors in the Northern Territory (NT) and the region’s proximity to fast-growing Asian economies.