IFM Investors attains Climate Active certification

IFM is committed to achieving organisation-wide net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This target includes emissions associated with IFM’s operations.
Last year, we sought carbon-neutral certification for our business operations under the Australian Government’s Climate Active Scheme. After a rigorous application process, we’re pleased to announce that we are now Climate Active certified, becoming part of an ongoing partnership between the Australian Government and Australian businesses as we aim to measure, reduce, and offset carbon emissions to lessen our negative environmental impact.
As part of the certification process, we developed ten operational emission targets, which we aim to achieve by 30 June 2024. We’ve categorised these ten targets into three groups: direct emission reduction actions (listed below), actions to improve data collection, and actions relating to engaging with suppliers to encourage and assess their net-zero targets.

Direct emission reduction actions
Transition all Australian offices to purchasing 100% green electricity by mid-2023 – this was completed ahead of schedule in January 2023.
Include base building energy efficiency ratings (such as Green Star) and procurement of renewables in the selection criteria for future office tenancies.
Require contracted suppliers to provide supplier emissions reporting and ensure consideration of emissions reduction targets (science-based aligned or validated) as part of the supplier selection criteria.
Set near-term, science-based aligned, scope 3 targets in 20241.
Encourage staff to undertake more active modes of transport by ensuring IFM offices with more than 50 full-time employees have access to end-of-trip facilities. When evaluating new office leases, we will incorporate end-of-trip facilities as a selection criterion.
“We believe the Climate Active certification aligns our corporate operations commitments about climate change and further supports our commitment to become a net zero organisation.” – Rena Pulido, Head of Sustainable Investments, IFM Investors.
Read our 2022 Responsible Business Report to learn more about our responsible business approach, practices and outcomes.
1 IFM does not generate any scope 1 emissions.
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