Taking the lead on infrastructure carbon reduction in Australia

IFM Investors recently announced an ambitious and unprecedented initiative to cut carbon emissions across critical Australian infrastructure assets. The Australian Infrastructure Carbon Reduction Initiative is designed to deliver economic outcomes for assets that will positively contribute to the long-term investment returns for investors, communities and everyday users.
Pleasingly, the Australian Infrastructure Carbon Reduction Initiative was recognised and awarded ‘Outstanding Initiative by an Asset Manager’ at the @IGCC Summit in October 2019. Household names in Australia, such as Ausgrid, Melbourne Airport, Brisbane Airport, NSW Ports (Botany and Kembla), the Port of Brisbane, Southern Cross Station in Melbourne and Northern Territory Airports now have carbon emissions reduction targets through to 2030 and beyond.

The targets will see emissions reduced by more than 200,000 tonnes CO2 equivalent annually by 2030 – the same as removing almost 70,000 cars from the road. The emissions cuts will prevent millions of tonnes of carbon entering the environment over the life of the assets.
Under the Australian Infrastructure Carbon Reduction Initiative, IFM Investors has committed to:
Measure our carbon emissions footprint every year. (You can read the IFM Investors Infrastructure Carbon Footprint Report 2018.)
Establish emissions reduction targets and pathways.
Report annually on emission targets and the progress.
Undertake physical and transitional risk assessments towards a lower carbon economy.
A summary of the carbon reduction targets for our Australian infrastructure assets is here.
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