Website and text messages impersonating IFM Investors

Statement by Lounarda David, Chief Operating Officer:
IFM Investors has become aware of an attempt to gather personal information from the public by impersonating IFM Investors. A Website and WhatsApp Group – impersonating IFM Investors – is purporting to sell IFM’s capability in cryptocurrency management.
IFM Investors does not solicit applications from individuals and any such request is fraudulent.
IFM does not deal in cryptocurrency.
If you have received an approach from this group, please do not respond. Further advice on what action to take can be found here: Report |, or from the relevant authority in your location.
For media queries, please contact:
Jamila Fontana 0407 251 130 | [email protected]
About IFM Investors
IFM Investors was established more than 25 years ago with the aim to invest, protect and grow the long-term retirement savings of working people. Owned by a group of Australian pension funds, the organisation has A$217 billion under management as at 31 December 2023. Because IFM is owned by industry pension funds, we prioritise the interests of over 680 like-minded investors worldwide by focusing on assets that combine excellent long-term risk/reward characteristics with broad economic and social benefits to the community. As a signatory to The United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment, IFM actively engages on ESG issues with the companies in which we invest with the aim of enhancing their net performance while minimising investment risk. Operating globally from offices in Melbourne, Sydney, London, Berlin, Zurich, Amsterdam, New York, Hong Kong, Seoul and Tokyo, IFM manages investments across infrastructure, debt, listed equities and private equity assets. For more information, visit
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