We have an intimate knowledge of our investments and regularly engage with businesses either directly, or through representative bodies, such as the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI)
Our direct engagement efforts focus on initiatives across a range of potential Sustainable Investing risks – along with other developments relating to the company, industry or broader society.
We are also participants of many investor-led initiatives, engaging with other like-minded investors and asset owners to reinforce the expectation for companies to recognise and manage potential risks and opportunities in their efforts to protect and enhance long-term shareholder value.
A proactive approach to voting
Our active stewardship approach to Australian listed equities involves direct and indirect company engagement and exercising our voting rights. For global equities proxy voting, this is currently undertaken by a reputable third-party provider.
Our Listed Equity Proxy Voting Guidelines are available hereProxy voting
We exercise our rights to vote on company resolutions within our Australian listed equities portfolio. In doing so, we seek to encourage responsible corporate behaviour and drive Sustainable Investing initiatives to build shareholder value over the long term.
The IFM Investors Proxy and Engagement Committee (PEC) is responsible for the oversight of all our voting activity. Its role is to:
- Approve voting of all proxy votes put to shareholders of Australian listed companies;
- Approve and monitor the engagement with listed companies relating to sustainable investing issues;
- Co-develop initiatives with IFM’s Sustainable Investment team relating to governance issues.