Zero time to spare - A perspective on how infrastructure investors can contribute to global temperature goals
This papers focuses on transport infrastructure, and how airports, seaports and road infrastructure can each support decarbonisation across their respective sectors. Features of the paper include:
the main infrastructure decarbonisation levers
technology change, and how the significant capital expenditure associated with infrastructure assets supports innovation, and the deployment of new solutions
case studies from across the IFM Investors portfolio and the wider industry.
New technologies driving decarbonization: Collaboration and stewardship are vital
This paper explores the role of new technologies in accelerating the journey towards net zero in transport infrastructure. Highlights include
How the adoption and deployment of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) can be a primary lever for airports.
How seaports can reduce carbon emissions through the deployment of electric vehicles (EVs) and autonomous vehicles (AVs) over time.
How seaports can deliver shoreside renewable energy to cargo ships, bulk containers and cruise liners while berthed (‘cold-ironing’).