
Podcast: Kyle Mangini on infrastructure and its role in building resilient portfolios

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IFM Investors’ Global Head of Infrastructure Kyle Mangini was interviewed for Bridgewater’s Observations podcast series on the topic of infrastructure’s role in building resilient portfolios.  

Earlier this year, Bridgewater co-CIO Karen Karniol-Tambour wrote a Daily Observations exploring the role of infrastructure in portfolios. A key point she noted was that while exposure to infrastructure has the potential to improve resilience by providing inflation protection and stable cash flows, certain infrastructure assets, which investors might think would be diversifying, end up performing similarly to the equities they already own. As a result, IFM believes that it’s important that investors understand what they’re investing in at a deep level to ensure they’re getting the qualities that they’re looking for.

What was so great about talking with Kyle is that he not only shares how IFM thinks about investing at the high level; he also shares his thoughts on the practical, hands-on details of infrastructure investing.

Jake Davidson
Bridgewater Daily Observations deputy editor

In this podcast, Kyle shares how IFM thinks about infrastructure investing not only at the high level, but also in terms of the practical, hands-on details. He discusses the underlying cash flows across different types of infrastructure assets; how those differences result in diverse performance characteristics; and some of the pitfalls those looking to build an infrastructure allocation should watch out for.

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Our learnings from three decades of infrastructure investing