Media Releases

IFM Investors to set up Large Cap Active Equity capability

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IFM Investors has bolstered its Active Large Cap Equity capabilities by hiring nine equity investment professionals to join its listed equities division.

IFM Investors will offer Australian Long-Only Active Equity, Australian Long-Short Equity and Asia Long-Short Market Neutral capabilities. These capabilities will complement IFM Investor’s existing strategies in Enhanced Passive Australian and Global Equities and Australian Small Cap Active Equities. 

IFM Investors CEO, Brett Himbury, said the new equities capacity increased IFM Investors overall investment capabilities, particularly with regards to Asia, by filling a gap in the current suite of offerings.

“This is a transformational opportunity for IFM Investors. In announcing this active equity expansion we are further able to meet investor demand for good-value core equity exposure, including being able to now offer Asian Active Equities to clients,” said Himbury.

“By expanding our active equities capability into large caps we can assist our investors with well-priced, high-quality products in a low yielding environment.”

“The financial, strategic and positional strength of IFM Investors is further expanded by this deeper diversification into liquid asset classes.”

The Active Large Cap Equity team will be headed by Lachlan Davis and will report to Neil Carter, Executive Director, Active Equities. They will be located in Sydney alongside IFM Investors’ Small Caps equity team.

“Our new team members are highly investor-focused and will make a strong contribution to the organisation over time.”

IFM Investors is already one of Australia’s largest enhanced passive equities managers and recently launched a global enhanced passive and smart beta equity offering.  Its active small caps strategy also reached soft close last year.