
Investing in Australia: Accelerating industry super investment and growing Australia’s housing supply

16 min read
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Investing in Australia: Accelerating industry super investment and growing Australia’s housing supply  details the steps governments can take to boost investment that seeks to deliver appropriate risk-adjusted returns to workers’ retirement savings and help deliver housing at scale.

The report emphasises the crucial role that super funds can play in growing housing supply, as a trusted source of long-term investment.

This report makes recommendations to enable investment that delivers appropriate risk-adjusted returns for members and helps deliver housing at the scale Australia needs, by:

  • At least doubling the Housing Australia Future Fund;

  • Aligning state and Commonwealth incentives to maximise the speed and scale of housing investment and supply;

  • Identifying the long-term pipelines of land needed for housing;

  • Supporting community housing providers as key partners for government and industry super investors in growing housing supply;

  • Providing greater certainty in the planning system; and

  • Supporting the uptake of modular housing to help address supply chain challenges.

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