Overview | |
Sector | Utilities |
Asset type | Water & Wastewater |
Major asset locations | Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Italy, Spain |
Initial IFM investment | August 2018 |
Head office location | Madrid, Spain |
Ownership stake* | 49% |
Website | www.aqualia.com |
*As at 31 Dec 2024
Asset priorities
Aqualia will continue to pursue new tenders for water concession contracts, leveraging its strengths and reputation as leading operator. It has a strong track record in extending/renewing concession contracts in areas where its market position is relevant. The company will also consider ad-hoc M&A opportunities to consolidate its market position and enter new markets.
Aqualia has the stated aim to be carbon neutral by 2050 and has embedded the “Climate Emergency” as one of the company’s strategic missions.
Growth platform
Aqualia is well positioned to acquire assets and win tenders in regulated concessions in Europe and Latin America, and Build-Operate-Transfer (“BOT”) projects in the Middle East and Latin America.
Climate change
Promoting initiatives aimed at minimising and adapting to the risks of climate change. Aqualia has a roadmap towards carbon neutrality, which is driven by reducing its emissions from energy consumption.
Achieving a technology that enables efficient resource management so that citizens can enjoy access to water.
Culture and ethical values
Building a culture across the company and its supply chain that promotes ethical values and compliance.
Strategic partnerships
Supporting strategic partnerships to achieve growth ambitions and community goals.