Governance and reporting

Robust governance and oversight are essential if we are to meet the expectations of our investors and the communities in which we invest and operate.

Learn more in our latest Sustainable Business Report
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Accountability and transparency

Our overarching responsible investment approach is established and monitored by the IFM Board. Management is responsible for the execution of this strategy, ensuring environmental, social and governance risks are reflected in our risk management frameworks and plans at the corporate and investment levels.

We believe good governance throughout our investment and corporate decision-making processes support rigour and accountability.

Sustainable investing and governance reporting

We are committed to transparent communication to our investors and stakeholders across our investment strategies and corporate activities.

Sustainable Business Governance & Oversight

Insight into our governance structures, systems and policies across our investment and corporate decision-making processes.

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Sustainable Business Report

Annual publication to provide investors and other industry and community stakeholders with transparency about our responsible business approach, practices and outcomes.

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Stewardship report

IFM Investors is a signatory of the Financial Reporting Council’s UK Stewardship Code that sets out clear stewardship principles for asset managers. 

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Sustainable Investing Guidelines

These Guidelines seek to define our sustainable investing approach. They generally apply to IFM’s funds across Infrastructure Equity, Debt Investments, Private Equity and Listed Equities.

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Climate Change Report

Annual report prepared in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). It aims to provide our investors and other stakeholders with transparency about our approach to managing climate change.

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Climate Active Public Disclosure Statement

Our organisation-wide commitment to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 includes emissions associated with our business operations globally. We achieved carbon neutral certification for our FY23 (1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023) operational emissions, as outlined in this Climate Active PDS.

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PRI Public Transparency Report

The Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) assessment framework aims to capture the different responsible investment approaches of its membership base and reflect evolving market expectations on best practice responsible investment. The Public Transparency Report is an export of IFM Investors’ responses to the PRI Reporting Framework during the relevant reporting period. It includes responses to core indicators, as well as responses to plus indicators.

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PRI Assessment Report

The Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) assessment framework aims to capture the different responsible investment approaches of its membership base and reflect evolving market expectations on best practice responsible investment. The PRI Assessment Report is an detailed export of the scores for all the assessed indicators and modules IFM Investors responded to in the PRI Reporting Framework during the relevant reporting period.

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PRI Summary Scorecard

The Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) assessment framework aims to capture the different responsible investment approaches of its membership base and reflect evolving market expectations on best practice responsible investment. The PRI Assessment Report is an export of the scores for all the assessed indicators and modules IFM Investors responded to in the PRI Reporting Framework during the 2023 reporting period.

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Infrastructure Carbon Footprint Reports

Annual summary reports that disclose the annual carbon emissions for our infrastructure portfolios.

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Infrastructure Carbon Footprint past reports

Previous annual summary reports that disclose the annual carbon emissions for our infrastructure portfolios.

Listed Equities Engagement & Voting Report

Six-monthly report on our engagement and proxy voting activity in relation to Australian equities.

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EU SFDR Disclosure

Environmental and social considerations for our global infrastructure portfolio in accordance with the European Union’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

Australian Workplace Gender Equality Agency Report

Each year, we are required to report to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) to promote gender equity in Australian workplaces. WGEA is an Australian government statutory authority established under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.

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Business ethics contact line

Our commitment to integrity and compliance with the law is underpinned by our Code of Conduct and our Code of Ethics & Personal Trading Policy.

If you have reason to believe that IFM Investors’ employees, vendors or contractors are engaged in inappropriate, fraudulent, unethical or illegal behavior, we want you to speak up.

There are many ways to raise a concern and we do not tolerate retaliation against those who raise concerns. You can raise a matter through the IFM Investors Business Ethics Contact Line. All submissions received through the Contact Line are handled by an independent organisation and reviewed confidentially.