Advocacy and collaboration

We collaborate with like-minded stakeholders.

Our focus on maximising risk-adjusted returns for our investors is assisted by working with with a broad group of industry and policy stakeholders to create value and build resilience over the long term.

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Organisations we actively engage with

We are active signatories to or members of many organisations and initiatives promoting sustaible investing and sustainable business principles globally. 

Notably, we were a founding signatory to the Net Zero Asset Manager Initiative, an international group of asset managers committed to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner.





Mobilising pension capital for net zero: a policy blueprint for the UK

This landmark blueprint, Mobilising pension capital for net zero: a policy blueprint for the UK, is a first-time collaboration between IFM Investors, UK and Australian pension funds, and the UK pensions industry association, investors of £1.7trn in workers’ retirement savings, recommending carefully targeted policy action to unlock pension capital in order to contribute to the new UK Government delivering on its mission of clean power by 2030.