Overview | |
Sector | Energy |
Asset type | Diversified |
Major asset locations | Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Spain, Argentina, France, Portugal |
Initial IFM investment | October 2021 |
Head office location | Madrid, Spain |
Ownership stake* | 16.0% |
Website | www.naturgy.com |
*As at 31 Dec 2024
Asset priorities
Naturgy pursues the optimization and digitalization of regulated networks across its operations to lower risk and increase cash flow predictability. It also runs initiatives to improve competitiveness and reduce risk throughout its energy management portfolio.
Naturgy is targeting net zero Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2050 and has set science-based emissions targets to achieve this. The company’s decarbonization ambitions are supported by its Strategic Plan.
Naturgy’s international presence puts it in an advantageous position to grow in new and existing regions.
Naturgy is mindful of the importance its actions have for the people and environment where it operates.
+175 years of history
In 2018, Naturgy celebrated its 175th anniversary. Its history and experience attest to its longevity, experience and expertise.