IFM Investors congratulates Chair Garry Weaven on Lifetime Achievement award for contribution to superannuation industry

IFM Investors warmly congratulates its Chair Garry Weaven on being awarded the Super Review Magazine Lifetime Achievement Award at its Super Fund of the Year Awards night in Melbourne last night.
Garry has been the Chair of IFM Investors for over 10 years and also Chairs Pacific Hydro, a leading Australian renewable energy company with extensive operations in Australia and South America.
He also Chairs ‘The New Daily’ (, a digital online news service available free to the public. Garry is also a Director of ME Bank, was a foundation Board member of Melbourne's Docklands Authority and was a foundation Board member of Infrastructure Australia.
Garry's involvement in superannuation and funds management follows a successful career in the Australian union movement, which culminated in him being elected Assistant Secretary of the ACTU in 1986. Garry played a seminal role in the development of the industry superannuation fund movement and in 1994 founded Industry Fund Services, the forerunner to a number of collectively owned financial service providers, including IFM Investors.
IFM Investors CEO Brett Himbury said that the recognition for Garry by Super Review Magazine reflected his contribution to the industry.
“It is widely acknowledged across the nation that Garry was a key architect of Australia’s world beating superannuation system.
“His stewardship of industry funds over decades has helped put the sector on a very firm footing today, with over half the Australian workforce industry super fund members.
“On behalf of all of IFM Investors staff around the world, I would offer our thanks to him for his vision and wise counsel.”
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