About Carol
BA, MBA, ICD.D, Qualified Risk Director®
Carol Gray is a former senior executive in the financial services industry with positions including President Equifax Canada and Executive Vice-President at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
Carol is a Director of American Express Bank of Canada and chairs the board’s Risk Committee. Carol is a volunteer faculty member and Advisor to the Directors and Chief Risk Officers Institute (DCROI), a global not for profit learning and research institute for the advancement of best practices in risk governance.
Carol has previously served on the boards of Trent University, Infrastructure Ontario and Lands Corporation, Ontario Realty Corporation, TBay Telecommunications, and several not-for-profit Boards in Toronto and Calgary, Canada. Carol holds a Certificate in Sustainable Investing from the Stern School of Business (New York University). She is a recipient of the Volunteer Service Award from the Government of Ontario and DCROI’s Exemplar Risk Award.
Carol resides in Ontario, Canada, and is a member of the IFM Board Responsible Investment and Sustainability Committee and Board Audit and Risk Committee.